Liar, liar, your pants on fire

-It's okay, you can go to sleep. I can handle the reception for you! And Bosco, you can go to sleep too. I can be the night watch man for tonight!
-Yes, I already talked to Sheba. He told me I can be the torchman!
-Where is your torch?
-I borrowed it to Bosco.
-Where is your stick?
-The other torchman has it.
-What will you use then?
-No worries. I know karate. Bruce Lee was my uncle. And look, there is my grandfather (pekar på tv:n på en random gammal kinesisk man).
och sådär kan jag hålla på i en evighet... Min nya bästis på skolan. T.Peter, han brukar också köra random babbel. Vi ljuger så mycket för varandra att vi börjar få svårt att hålla reda på dem. En helt vanligt konversation mellan mig och Peter kan se ut såhär:
P: Hello, how are you?
H: I am fine, and you?
P: What makes you fine?
H: Just stole a goat.
P: How?
H: I put it under my jacket and ran away.
P: Your lying. 
H: Yes, but I am planning to steal one, just like I stole the puppy yesterday. You know, the one I took under my jacket.
P: Which goat are you stealing?
H: The one over there.
P: It's my goat. Let me give it to you instead so you don't have to be a thief.
H: Let me give you my stolen puppy in return then.
P: No, you know I don't like puppies. Don't be stubborn like your brother.
H; Who is my brother?
P: My grandson.
H: Serestine? So you mean that I am Silvers daughter?
P: if Serestine is Silver's son, and you are Serestines sister then you would of course be Silver's daughter.
Sen kan vi hålla på sådär i evigheters evigheter. och de andra lärarna kan bli rätt tokiga på oss. De brukar säga att Peter är kungen av alla lögnare och att jag är hans lärling. Men det är ändå rätt harmlösa lögner vi kör med.

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